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IGNITE Youth Ministry services are now held in the Word of Faith Chapel at 11:00am. You are sure to receive a life changing word, like minded community and radical worship! We can’t wait to see you! If you have any questions, email us at Ignite@woffamily.org


The IGNITE Youth Ministry is determined to cultivate spaces for close community and life changing experiences. To see how we are doing this, check out our events page to see what’s happening next!
Engage in activities that foster greater community, promote personal growth, increase your fire for God and create long lasting memories!


The IGNITE Youth Ministry offers core groups dedicated to nurturing deeper community bonds. These groups are clear in their mission to cultivate a space where the youth feel a sense of belonging and growth. Within these groups, constant support, Bible studies, intimate community, a safe environment, and meaningful mentorship are all readily available to help the youth on their journey in life.

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